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Unused Services / Pelayanan Tidak Terpakai

Ini merupakan halaman pelayanan tidak tepakai  dimana peraturan ini perlu dibaca dan sifatnya mengikat bagi yang melakukan transaksi open trip dan private trip pada web site ini atau melalui PT.Epic Wisata Indonesia & PT. Muqaddim Safar Amanah.  Sepatutnya dibaca dengan seksama untuk menghindari kesalahpahaman dan kerugian pada dua belah pihak.

What is Unused Services

Unused services are conditions where the destination activities on the way cannot be carried out due to unpredictable circumstances, whether due to bad weather, an accident or something beyond the control of Musa Travel.


Unused service based on Agrement

If there is a condition due to congestion or delay in participants and having to miss an activity or destination, and it has been agreed between all groups and our Musa Travel Tour Leader that the case can be categorized as an unused service. 


Refund for unused  service

No refund policy for unused services. 


Unused services is no attention condition

We believe that any unused services are the result of conditions that are not possible in the field during the trip. Our corporate culture and all the staff working for Epic Travel always adhere to the principles of honesty and high integrity in service.

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